Foundation of EXPERTS FIRST
01 / 03 / 2013
Embarked on a new professional engagement at the Joint Care Centre at the ATOS Clinic in Heidelberg
01 / 08 / 2008
Appointed Director of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Foot Surgery Services
01 / 05 / 2006
Ernennung zum Leitenden Oberarzt in der Abteilung Orthopädie II der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
01 / 08 / 2002
Ernennung zum Oberarzt in der Abteilung Orthopädie II der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
06 / 2001 – 08 / 2001
Appointed to the post of Senior Consultant in the Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Altonaer Kinderkrankenhaus (Altona Children's Hospital), Hamburg. Returned to Heidelberg Orthopaedic University Hospital for family reasons
20 / 09 / 2000
2Qualified as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
01 / 02 / 1996
February 1996 Research assistant (junior doctor) at the Orthopaedic University Hospital in Heidelberg
03 / 04 / 1996
Successfully completed radiological protection and emergency response training programme
01 / 1996
Visiting physician at the Central Clinic in Bad Berka (Spine Surgery Centre, Dr. Böhm)
05 / 1994
Clinical internship, including presentation, with Prof. Dr. P. Ghosh in the Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Laboratories in Sydney
08 / 1994 – 01 / 1996
January 1996 Residency in the Surgical Department of the Diakonissenkrankenhaus (Deaconess Hospital) Karlsruhe-Rüppurr, Germany
03 / 1991 – 11 / 1993
Medical thesis at the Orthopaedic University Hospital in Heidelberg under Prof. Dr. med. F. U. Niethard: ‘The extra-articular, intra-bone boring of the patella for patellofemoral pain syndrome - a prospective clinical trial in humans.’ Awarded the distinction of "magna cum laude"
04 / 1988 – 04 / 1994
Successfully finishing Medical School within the shortest timeframe possible.
Scientific publications and presentations
05 / 2002
Verleihung des Carl-Rabl-Preises 2001 der Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden zusammen mit Dr. med. Leonhard Döderlein und Dr. med. Urs Schneider für das Buch „Der Knickplattfuß“
05 / 2000
2. Publikationspreis der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg für die Publikation: „Ultrastructural findings after intraarticular application of hyaluronan in a canine model of joint arthropathy.” J Orthop Res 2000 18(4): 604-612
09 / 1999
EFORT Travelling Fellowship in der Schweiz
1. 05 / 02
1. Europa-Reisestipendium der Vereinigung für Kinderorthopädie (VKO)
2. 04 / 07
USA-Reisestipendium der Deutschen Assoziation für Fuß und Sprunggelenk e.V. (DAF)